Monday 29 September 2008

Curry Night Go-ahead :-)

Yay! Tonight we went for a curry at our local indian restaurant (OK, so it doesn't quite fit with my healthy eating regime but hey ;-) - and I asked the owner whether he would be willing to host a charity evening for me............

He said YES! :-)
and what's more, he even said he'd be happy to host several - One a month if I wanted! BIG thumbs up to Eastern Curry in Welling :-)

We have provisionally agreed a Sunday in early November (looks like the 9th) so now I "just" have to agree the menu/invite people/sell tickets/decide whether to offer a raffle etc etc - better get busy....


Jac’s Playground said...

Great news about the curry night, hope it (they) go really well and a big thumbs up to your 'curry house'.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kirsti!
Have crashed my PC and can't find your email address to email you! Hope you're OK!
Another 2 and a half pounds off this week - takes my total to 1 stone 1 and a half pounds! WELL chuffed!
Will be in touch properly as soon as I've fixed the PC.
Take care!