Friday 18 September 2009

Spin, Spin, Jab, Jab, Spin!

I know, I know - I havent posted for aaaaaaggges! I'm really not very good at keeping things like this up to date. I have the best of intentions but life just gets in the way :-)

As someone who admits having been "allergic" to exercise for a big part of my life, I am pleased to dicovered that I can actually enjoy it!
I am now doing three spin classes a week in my lunch breaks - two 45 min classes and one of a full hour (the instructor for this one is mad as a hatter, and really make the class fun)! And what's more, I hope to continue doing at least some of them after I am back from Jordan.
I am also cycling 10-15 miles a couple of evenings a week AND 20-30 miles a day at the weekends.

All this is not quite as much as the training guide recommends, but its not too far off, so I am feeling relatively OK about the challenge ahead. That is, until I see the first "mountain" (OK, hill) we have to contend with - I am just hoping that adrenaline kicks in to fill any gap my training has left!

What about the Jab, Jab of my title?

A sore point, literally - I had to get some vaccinations yesterday. A Tetanus/Dip/Polio jab in one arm & a Typhoid/HepA jab in the other :-( so although I don't have any "needle issues", I do have 2 sore arms!
The silver lining in this particular cloud is that the lovely doctor at work has very kindly waived the charge for my injections, as my trip is for charity :-) Thank you Dr Terry :-)

Only 3 weeks to go !!!!

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