Friday 22 August 2008

You never forget.....or do you??

What is it they say about riding a bike?? You never forget? Well, I am about to find out if that is true. This weekend I will be attempting to ride a bicycle for the first time in well over 20 years!! (OMG - almost a quarter of a century - NOW I feel old!!)

Why? I hear you ask. Well, that's a good question.

I think I am at a point in my life when I need to challenge myself more than ever before. I also need something to keep me motivated to lose weight & get fitter, so when I was reading a slimming magazine last weekend & came across an advertisement for Cycle Jordan 2009 I thought "why not?"

What is Cycle Jordan? It is an all women cycling challenge which will be taking place in October 2009 and involves a 300km cycle (over 4 days) through breathtaking scenery across Jordan. The aim of the event, other than a personal challenge, is to raise funds for the very worthwhile charity Women for Women. Not only must I re-learn (?) to ride a bike, and reach a level where I can cope with several consecutive days of cycling up to 100km per day (!) but I must also raise a minimum of £2500 for the charity. Better get started!!

My friends & colleagues have all been incredibly positive & supportive ( thanks guys, what would I do without you?) although I think my family will take a little more persuading! Perhaps that's because they know just how long ago my last bike ride was (and how short!)

I will try to keep this blog up to date with my progress over the coming months, so please check back whenever you can to see how I am getting on.

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