Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Fundraising begins

My info pack has arrived, WOW it's going to take a bit of reading - there is so much information provided :-)

I am pleased to say that not only have I set up a fundraising web page via - see the natty little "widget" on the right of this page, but donations have already begun! Special thanks must go to my colleague, Adam, for making the first donation on my justgiving page and a very generous one of £25 at that. Many thanks also to my boss, Nigel, for promising to sponsor me £100.

Funny thing though, a large proportion of my male colleagues have, upon finding out that this is an all women event, offered to come along as part of the support team!! LOL

I was, unrealistically, hoping to get my bike this weekend - but I think my Cyclescheme voucher will take a few more days to come through, so it will likely be the following weekend before I can actually go & collect it. In the meantime I am using the exercise bikes at the gym - question is, can my bottom tell the difference?? We shall see!

Oh, and before I go - a big MWAH! to my new buddy Karen. No one has ever said I was an inspiration before!

1 comment:

KazKenning said...

HI Kirsti! Loved your blog. And am well impressed that you got the widget working. Wonder what I'm doing wrong? My behind can't tell the difference between a proper bike and a gym bike. A bike is a bike is a bike!! Have a great weekend! Karen xx